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Information Storage

Learning outcomes
  1. Identify the main methods of storing information used in XML documents.
  2. Identify the drawbacks of storing information in XML format.
  3. Use relational database management systems in the storage of information in XML format.
  4. Use specific techniques to create XML documents from information stored in relational databases.
  5. Identify the characteristics of native XML database management systems.
  6. Use techniques to manage information stored in native XML databases.
  7. Identify languages and tools for processing and storing information and including it in XML documents.
  1. Using XML to store information.
    1. Areas of application.
  2. Information storage systems.
    1. Relational databases.
    2. NoSQL databases.
    3. XML databases.
  3. XQuery.
  4. Programming tools to work with XML.
Assessment criteria
  • The main methods of storing information used in XML documents have been identified.
  • The drawbacks of storing information in XML format have been identified.
  • Efficient information storage technologies have been established based on their characteristics.
  • Relational database management systems have been used in the storage of information in XML format.
  • Specific techniques are used to create XML documents from information stored in relational databases.
  • The features of native XML database management systems have been identified.
  • Native XML database management systems has been installed and analysed.
  • Techniques are used to manage information stored in native XML databases.
  • Languages and tools for processing and storing information and including it in XML documents have been identified.


As we have seen, XML is a powerful and widely accepted standard for storing and communicating information about objects. Allows the encoding of information separated from the form in which it is must present to the user. To find a specific piece of information in the contents of a XML node or attribute, the XML file must be fully processed.

An XML database can be viewed as a collection of XML documents, where each document represents a record.

Each XML document is a file in the file system and contains a valid XML string. The structure of an XML document usually follows the same XML schema, although it does not have to be so. This is one of the benefits of XML databases, as each file can be configured in a different way so it is self-contained, yet easily accessible.

But it’s not just a matter of locating the documents, as often what you are looking for will be split into different documents. You also need some way to be able to query and manipulate the data contained in the XML files. This query system should be able to search documents and modify data if necessary, but always with a minimum of efficiency.

Having document collections with independent schema provides the database with flexibility, and facilitates application development.

In recent years, the existence of information exchange standards has been necessary, with the objective that organizations can share their information in a more comfortable way, automatic and efficient.

Application areas

Documents and XML data storage requirements can be grouped into two general categories:

  • Data-oriented. They tend to include typical billing documents, purchase orders, and less structured documents. It is appropriate for items such as newspaper content, articles, and advertisements. If the XML document has a well-defined structure and contains data that can be updated and used in various ways, the document is usually data-centric.

  • Document-oriented. They tend to be more unpredictable in size and content than data-centric ones, which are highly structured, with data types of limited size and less flexible rules for fields options and content. Such as web pages, product catalogues. Usually when you need to store the same document-model format you use in your application code.

XML storage systems must efficiently accommodate both types of data requirements, since XML is being used in systems that manage both types of data. Most products focus on serving one of those data formats better than the other.

Database systems must be able to expose relational data as XML, and store the received XML as relational data to transfer, get, and store the data required by the application.

In the face of these needs, the solution is usually given in two ways:

  1. Since most organizations already have organized data storage systems based on relational data, one possible solution might be to convert XML files to relational data:

    • Data storage will be fully organized and centralized at one point where the other data in the organization already exists.
    • Its query language, SQL, is well known and widely used, so users will not need to learn a new language.
  2. Another solution is to create a storage system designed for XML files only. These are the systems known as native XML databases. These:

    • Provide a place to neatly store XML files.
    • They have their own query language: XQuery.

Although this distinction seems easy to make, in practice organizations often use mixed storage systems, in which they store in relational data those data that need to be stored or queried, and in XML those data that must be represented in web environments or to be exchanged or transported to other systems.

Relational databases

Almost all organizations have their data organized with some relational system, as database management systems have become an indispensable element in the functioning of companies. They are used to control many of the operating data of companies: turnover, accounting, stocks…

Therefore, in the face of the emergence of a new type of data, one of the easy reasons would be: “If we already have a well-functioning data organization system, why can’t we put that data in the same system?”. In this way, the data obtained from XML files would achieve a very efficient storage system and a method of manipulating information that has been widely tested for many years and is well known to many people.

The inclusion of XML files in relational database management systems can be done in two ways:

  1. Convert data from XML files to relational data:
    • This system has the advantage that the data, once within the relational system, will be identical to the existing ones.
    • The biggest downside is that if you need the original XML document again, it can be very difficult to regenerate it, as there will often be information about the XML structure that will not be stored.
  2. Store entire XML documents in databases:
    • Entire XML files will be placed in a field in a database table, so it will be like the other data.
    • In order to work well, the database will need to provide some moderately efficient way to search the contents of XML documents.

Convert XML data to relational

One solution that may seem simple but not so simple is to take the data from the XML files and turn it into relational data. Once the data has been added to the database, the XML files can be deleted.

Because the structure of the data is already defined in the XML document, and XML documents are often associated with a vocabulary, we need to:

  1. Generate the structure of relational tables can be done by analysing the structure of the XML document.
  2. Vocabulary definition fields can be obtained by simply looking at the contents of the XML document.

And besides, there are systems that allow you to transform XML data into other file types (for example, XSLT).

Convert an XML document into relational data

If you start from the following XML document:

<?xml version = "1.0"?>

It is relatively easy to see that the structure of the document consists of a list of “student” items. And that <student> will have two data fields which are <name> and <surname>.

Therefore, the relational structure of this file will simply be to create a “student” table with a first and last name. This is trivial with the SQL CREATE TABLE command:

CREATE TABLE student (firstname VARCHAR (30), lastname VARCHAR (30))

Getting the data to fill the table shouldn’t be a big deal either. Simply insert each data field:

INSERT INTO student VALUES ("Frederic", "Pi");
INSERT INTO student VALUES ("Filomeno", "Garcia");

The easiest way to do this is to create an XSLT template that will transform the XML file into SQL rules.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this system, it is not always easy to do this conversion, as relational and XML systems are based on quite different concepts:

  • The relational system is based on two-dimensional data without hierarchy or order, while the XML system is based on hierarchical trees in which order is significant.
  • In an XML document there may be repeated data, while relational systems escape repetitions.
  • Relationships and structures within XML documents are not always obvious.
  • What if we need to have the XML document back? Doing the reverse process is not always trivial. One of the difficult concepts is to determine which data were attributes and which elements.

Therefore, this is usually not the most advisable system, but it is a valid system that can be useful in specific cases.

Relational systems with XML extensions

Until the advent of XML, virtually everyone stored data that needed to be quickly queried or modified by some relational system. Database management systems have been the king of data management in organizations for years.

But the increase in information in XML that needed to be queried or required to perform tasks that were previously reserved in relational databases has led to some kind of XML support having to be included in the database management systems.

All major database systems such as Oracle, IBM DB2, or Microsoft SQL Server have some kind of XML support, which is usually specified in the following:

  • Allow exporting relational data in some XML format to transport the data.
  • Have some way to be able to store XML documents as fields in relational tables.
  • Allow searches and changes to stored XML documents.
  • Generate XML from relational data in the database.


Although SQL/XML is part of the SQL standard, not all database managers support it.

Because SQL (the quintessential relational data query language) did not support XML in 2003, the SQL language standard was modified to add the SQL/XML extension.


SQL/XML is an extension of the SQL standard that allows you to work with the XML language using SQL statements.

This extension was developed by a group in which there were large database companies (Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, SyBase, DataDirect Technologies…) and is already implemented in some database system.


Despite participating in the development of the standard, Microsoft announced that it did not intend to incorporate SQL/XML into Microsoft SQL Server. Instead, Microsoft SQL Server uses its own system called Microsoft SQLXML or OPENXML to work with SQL and XML.

SQL/XML defines a series of functions for publishing XML files from relational data, defines a type of XML data and a way to query and manipulate stored XML data.

How about MySQL

MySQL doesn’t support XML data types like Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL. In MySQL, you have to store XML in CLOB (Character Large Object) data type. MYSQL database provides support CLOB datatype TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGTEXT. MySQL provides different types of XML function so using those functions, we can parse the XML data very easily. More info at

NoSQL databases

A NoSQL (originally referring to "non-SQL" or "non-relational") database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modelled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases. Such databases have existed since the late 1960s, but the name "NoSQL" was only coined in the early 21st century, triggered by the needs of Web 2.0 companies. NoSQL databases are increasingly used in big data and real-time web applications. NoSQL systems are also sometimes called Not only SQL to emphasize that they may support SQL-like query languages or sit alongside SQL databases in polyglot-persistent architectures.

Main categories of NoSQL database systems:

  • Key–value database is a data storage paradigm designed for storing, retrieving, and managing associative arrays, and a data structure more commonly known today as a dictionary or hash table. Some examples are Redis, Azure Cosmos DB or Amazon Dynamo DB.

  • Document-oriented database is computer program and data storage system designed for storing, retrieving and managing document-oriented information, also known as semi-structured. The central concept of a document-oriented database is the notion of a document. A document encapsulates and encodes data (or information) in some standard format or encoding. Encodings in use include XML, YAML, JSON, as well as binary forms like BSON. Some examples are baseX (XML) or MongoDB (JSON).

Native XML databases

If we do not go into technical details, the definition of a database is a place where data can be stored. In the case of an XML database, it is simply a matter of storing the XML files at a specific point in the operating system.

The increase in XML documents to be stored has made it difficult to have some way to automate the process, even though the storage can be done manually. To facilitate this automation, native XML (NXD) databases have appeared.

When we talk about native XML databases, we are referring to databases designed to contain and store data in XML format.

Unlike relational databases, which have been in operation for many years and have an important theoretical basis behind them, NXDs do not have definite standards for doing things, and the theory behind them is not very well-defined. As a result, each database often does things in a way that may be completely different from another.

Native XML databases are primarily used to store data that contains:

  • Narrative content.
  • Which are less predictable than those normally stored in relational databases.
  • That should generate outputs for web environments.
  • They have to be transported from one system to another.


One of the most basic requirements for searching for data is to have a query language that is powerful enough to meet the needs of those who need to use it. That’s why the XQuery language was developed.


XQuery is a query language designed to become the standard way to retrieve data from XML document collections.

It’s a functional language, so instead of telling you the steps to do a task, all you have to do is evaluate the expressions against the XML file and generate a result. Unlike common programming languages, XQuery specifies what is what you want and not the way you have to do it to get it.

!!! info “XQuery 3.0” A new version of XQuery is already under development that will increase the power of queries by adding new clauses such as group by or dynamic error checking. You can check it out at

Among the most interesting features of XQuery, it allows:

  • Select the information according to criteria. Sort, group, add data.
  • Filter the information you want from the data stream.
  • Search for information in a document or group of documents.
  • Join data from multiple documents.
  • Transform and restructure XML.
  • Don’t be limited to search, as it can perform numerical and character manipulation operations.
  • You can work with namespaces and documents defined by DTD or XSD.

An important part of XQuery 1.0 is the XPath 2.0 language, which is the part that allows you to make selections of information and browse the document.

XQuery resources

Programming tools to work with XML

An alternative to treating XML documents is to do it through a programming language instead of using databases. The most commons API are:

SAX (Simple API for XML). It was the first collection of functions used to deal with JAVA XML files. It is event based and therefore differs a bit in treating the document by means of a tree. This API as it reads the document sends notifications in real time. It is recommended for large documents, as its way of processing data is not stored in memory.

DOM (Document Object Model). In this case, the API is used to access and process XML documents as tree structures. It is independent of the language used in this case, Java, since what it does are object models that can be treated in any markup-oriented language. The DOM object hierarchy stores the relationships between the different nodes of an XML document to facilitate its treatment. The difference with the previous API is that in this case all the data is stored in the memory of the document. This feature makes the memory space have a considerable capacity and the most recommended files for this way of working are the smaller documents.

All of the above are included in the Java, PHP and other lenguages.

Credits, bibliography and webography