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2. XML schemas and vocabularies. Content syndicationΒΆ

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the need to describe the information transmitted in XML documents and their rules.
  • Identify technologies related to the definition of XML documents.
  • Analyse the structure and specific syntax used in the description.
  • Create descriptions of XML documents.
  • Use descriptions in the preparation and validation of XML documents.
  • Associate descriptions with documents.
  • Document descriptions.
  • Analyse a specific example of the use of markup language for the transmission of information.
  • Define an XML document based on its syntax and structure.

Assessment criteria

  1. The need to describe the information transmitted in XML documents has been established and its rules.
  2. Technologies related to the definition of XML documents have been identified.
  3. The specific structure and syntax used in the description has been analyzed.
  4. XML document descriptions have been created.
  5. Descriptions have been used in the development and validation of XML documents.
  6. Descriptions have been associated with the documents.
  7. Specific tools are used.
  8. The descriptions have been documented.
  9. The advantages that content syndication brings to the management and transmission of information have been identified.
  10. Its areas of application have been defined.
  11. Technologies based on content syndication have been analysed.
  12. The structure and syntax of a content channel has been identified.
  13. Content channels have been created and validated.
  14. Functionality and access to channels are checked.
  15. Specific tools are used such as aggregators and channel directories.